Analytical Chemistry Training
Efficient Accurate PCB Aroclor ® Analysis Training
Let ALL BLUE train your personnel to analyze samples for PCBs more efficiently and more accurately. With decades of experience ALL BLUE can show you how to make use of the right equipment to quickly identify and quantify PCB Aroclors® in even the most difficult samples.
Contact ALL BLUE for more information and pricing
Understanding and Optimizing Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis
A comprehensive course that demystifies GC analysis so your lab personnel can solve problems and optimize current and future analyses improving efficiency and accuracy. This course can be customized to focus on your lab's analytical needs and the GC analyses that you use.
Contact ALL BLUE for more information and pricing
Analytical Method Development and Optimization
With decades of experience, the personnel at ALL BLUE can optimize your analytical methods to improve accuracy and efficiency or develop new methods to meet changing analytical demands. Whether your analytical needs require GC, GC-Mass Spec, ICP, AA, XRF, or other techniques, ALL BLUE can develop analytical methods that provide accurate results efficiently including instrument selection, sample preparation, and analysis.
Contact ALL BLUE for more information and pricing
PCB Aroclor ® Standards Kit
Efficient PCB Aroclor ® analysis necessitates having standards for all the major Aroclors. Rather than making dilutions each time the analysis is done, it's helpful to have them pre-made and ready to load into vials. ALL BLUE can provide a complete kit that contains 5 levels of each of the major Aroclors (1016, 1232, 1242, 1254, 1248, and 1260) complete with TCMX and DCB surrogates at levels that provide a large analytical range to reduce the number of re-runs but still allow for low PQLs.
Contact ALL BLUE for more information and pricing
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